How Long Does the Invisalign Treatment Process Last?

young couple smile after getting invisalign clear aligners

If you’re thinking about getting Invisalign, you may have one question on your mind before you even sign up for treatment: How long is it going to take? We get it—you don’t want to have to wait long to get the smile of your dreams! You may also be unsure about how long of a commitment you have to make to change your daily routine. Here’s what you need to know:

Average Invisalign Treatment Time

How long your Invisalign treatment takes mostly depends on how complex your case is. By that we mean where your teeth are currently and how much repositioning needs to happen. That being said, Invisalign takes about one year to a year and a half on average.

Daily Commitment

Another major factor that will affect how long your Invisalign treatment takes is how good you are at wearing them for the recommended time each day. Invisalign aligners should be worn for 20 to 22 hours a day, which means you really only take them out for brushing your teeth and eating. Some people may feel tempted to leave them out for longer periods of time because they are fully removable, but doing so may set back your progress.

Visible Results

One of the great things about Invisalign orthodontics is that you can easily see your progress along the way. Every set of aligners you get is slightly different, thereby slowly pushing your teeth into their proper positions. When you look at these different aligners, you can see an overall view of the gradual transformation.

Do you have more questions about Invisalign? Check out our FAQ section on our Invisalign page. If you still haven’t found the answer you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to give our Jackson dental office a call. We provide the orthodontic treatment, and our team would be happy to help in any way we can!

More questions about Invisalign? Contact our friendly staff for answers!

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