Children’s Dentistry in Jackson, TN

At Jackson Smiles, we welcome patients of all ages, down to the youngest members of your family. Our team loves to see the smiles of children around the office, and Dr. Patel’s kind and gentle demeanor put even the most anxious kids – and parents – at ease. We look forward to welcoming your little ones into our dental family.

Dental Care for Kids of All Ages

Comprehensive care isn’t just for the adults in your family. Complete dental care is important even for those who are just getting their first teeth. At Jackson Smiles Family Dentistry, we provide a wide range of care for children to ensure that they start down the path toward a lifetime of good oral health.

Pediatric Dental Services

  • Pediatric Exams
  • Pediatric Cleanings
  • Dental Sealants
  • Fluoride Treatments
  • Tooth-Colored Fillings
  • Proper Brushing & Flossing Instruction

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Two girls brushing their teeth

Benefits of Seeing a Family Dentist

Seeing a family dentist for your child’s dental care needs provides you with a number of benefits. It means that you are already comfortable with the people who will be caring for your child, so you can better prepare your child for the visit if he or she is nervous. You can also schedule convenient family-block appointments, so you can be seen back-to-back or at the same time, saving you from making multiple trips to our office.

Preparing for Your Child’s Dental Visit

It’s natural for children to be nervous for their first trip to the dentist, or even if they’ve been before. The tools are shiny, sharp, and loud, and that makes even adults uncomfortable. To help your child feel more comfortable about their upcoming visit, we encourage you to talk with your child about the dentist in a positive manner. When you’re at home, invite your child to watch you brush your teeth, and making brushing your child’s teeth a fun game.

We also encourage parents to bring their children to our office before the appointment to meet our team and get a quick tour of the office. That way, on the day of the appointment, they aren’t going to a new place and meeting new people – they’ll know us already!

Frequently Asked Questions

At what age should I schedule my child’s first dentist appointment?

Kids should begin visiting the dentist between the time their first tooth comes in and their first birthday. It may not seem necessary to bring your child to the dentist when they only have one or two teeth, but it’s important for their teeth and gums to be examined by a dental professional to catch any potential issues early on. There’s no need to worry if your child is older and hasn’t seen a dentist yet; our team will be happy to work with them at your earliest convenience.

What should I do if my child is experiencing a dental emergency?

The first thing we’ll want you to do is get in touch with our office right away to explain the situation so we can advise and begin preparing a treatment room. We recommend that parents have our practice number saved in their phones to avoid having to frantically search for our number should a dental emergency arise. If we determine that the situation does not require immediate attention, our team will be happy to help you schedule a convenient appointment for your child in the near future.

What can I do about my child’s toothache?

If your child has recently begun complaining about a toothache, you will want to get in touch with our office to schedule an appointment with our team to take care of it. In the meantime, you can have them hold a cold compress on their cheek or take over-the-counter pain medication to numb the pain. Having your child rinse their mouth out with warm salt water can also help clear away bacteria and relieve pain. If the pain becomes unbearable at any point, come see us right away for an emergency visit.

Call us today at 731-681-1450
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