Cosmetic Dentistry in Jackson, TN

Teeth are a major factor in your appearance. Many are willing to spend all their money on clothes and accessories but let their dental health fall to the wayside. It’s counterintuitive to dress nice while flashing yellow teeth! You only have one set of permanent teeth, and they need love and attention too. Luckily Dr. Patel and Jackson Smiles Family Dentistry are here to set your dental appearance straight!

We offer top dental cosmetic treatments and stay ahead of the curve when it comes to our dental technology, so when you’re with us you know that you’re getting the best treatments available. Come in and leave looking top-notch!


Porcelain Veneers Before and After - Jackson Smiles Family DentistryBeforeAfter

Veneers will drastically improve your smile in a fast, easy, and permanent way. They can fix teeth that are chipped, broken, crowded, discolored, or all of the above! Veneers are thin, custom made casings placed on the front of your teeth to change their shape and general appearance. This casing is created to match your existing teeth so your new smile will look natural and carefree.

Call us to see if veneers are right for you!

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Invisalign LogoNo longer are the days of large and obtrusive teeth straightening devices. With Invisalign, you’ll have the opportunity to straighten your teeth without anybody even knowing! Invisalign uses clear, comfortable, and removable aligners that will give you fast and noticeable results without any metal brackets. The aligners are changed approximately every two weeks to move your teeth into a straighter position, step by step. Also, for your convenience you can remove the aligners while you brush your teeth and eat. Noticeable results without the noticeable braces!

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Teeth Whitening

Professional Teeth Whitening - Jackson TNBeforeAfter

If you want a brighter smile, you’ve come to the right place! Our teeth whitening procedures are second to none and guaranteed to show results. Don’t put up with a smile that isn’t shiny, you don’t have to. Whether you are preparing for a wedding, a photo, or just looking to improve your appearance, you’ll be happy you came to us!

Virtual Smile Consultation